
Consulting on Suicide Prevention
I am honored whenever colleagues near and far reach out to me to discuss their suicide prevention work and how to improve their results. Technical assistance to a suicide prevention program can be highly effective when applied with fidelity.
Part of any comprehensive approach to an effective suicide prevention program is examining the capacity of the personnel staffing the prevention program. Does your team possess the expertise to execute your program effectively? Is the program comprehensive in nature and culturally-relevant for the target population?
There is no shortage of research about the best practices for gatekeepers, clinicians, and organizations when it comes to suicide prevention activities, policies, and protocols. In prior roles, working as a Director of Suicide Prevention or a Public Health Analyst with a federal agency, I have worked directly in developing public policy, supporting program best practices, and evaluating their impact. Let’s talk best practices!
Consulting on HIV Prevention
HIV prevention is dynamic and so should your approach. Consultation is available by telephone, video-conference, or even in-person based on needs and availability. Are you looking to expand HIV testing? Maybe you are updating protocols for partner notification services? Whatever your need, contact me and let’s discuss an effective strategy just right for your organization and jurisdiction.
After more than 30 years into the HIV/AIDS epidemic in America, there is still much work to do. A 21st century approach to HIV prevention must include a focus on community and programmatic leadership as well as customizing HIV prevention and intervention activities to the needs of your community.
There is no shortage of HIV prevention tools available today. From condoms to prevention-focused mobile apps, HIV prevention has gone high tech. But even best practice approaches must be rooted in age, gender, racial, cultural, religious, and sexuality-affirming strategies. Effective HIV prevention requires a village approach, it always has!
Planning is at the heart of effective HIV prevention work. Strategic planning for non-profit leaders, prevention organizations, and community groups require innovative thinking and a commitment to quality execution of planning efforts. Contact me for consultation.
Professional Trainer & Training Certifications
- Certified Psychological Autopsy Investigator, American Association of Suicidology, March 2020
- Certificate of Completion in Fundamentals of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills, October 2019
- Certified Instructor in Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR), September 2019
- Certificate of Completion in Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS), July 2019
- Certificate of Completion in HIPAA and Confidentiality Standards – Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, February 2019
- Certified Trainer in Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk (AMSR), December 2018
- Certificate of Completion in Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM), September 2018
- Certificate of Completion in A Strategic Planning Approach to Suicide Prevention, September 2018
- Certificate of Completion in Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), July 2018
- Certificate of Completion of Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), March 2018
- Certificate of Completion in Person-Centered Care at the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Learning Collaborative, 2017
- Certificate of Completion in Provider Excellence at the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Learning Collaborative, 2017
- Certified Instructor Trainer for the American Red Cross – Chicago Chapter, 2001-2017
- Certificate of Completion from NASW in Ethics and Legal Issues in Tele-Therapy, 2016